Monday, September 22, 2008

Manifesting Loss?

It's weirdly funny. After my last post, I wrote about how, despite the freedom I feel with less stuff, I would NOT think it's great to come back from the public library rest room to find my laptop missing from my workspace. (That post will never be shared. It's GONE.) I was challenging my notions about anti-materialism and imagining the loss I'd feel. Just a day latter, I lost my laptop. I think I might have spaced out when rushing to a friend's house and left it on the roof of my truck as I drove away.

The universe is helping me shed some of the excess from my life, I only wish some other thing had been shed instead of my very pretty Mac G4.

I did not cry. I am learning non-attachment. Stuff is all in flux and structures are unreliable (read Eckhart Tolle). The laptop cost more than my old Toyota 4Runner, but that truck will fall away too someday. Hopefully not too soon.

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