Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fort Collins: Kayaks, Bikes and Breweries

Café s are my interim sanctuaries. Outside the Starry Night Café here in Fort Collins, I have a few hours to transform myself from a kayaking ninja into a writer. Maybe the cappuccino does it. There is even a swirly fern pattern traced into the froth by a meticulous barista. Nothing says "civilized" like a café , where I take respite from my savagery, glorious though savagery is. Without a "real" shower for days, I have been cleaned in a more pure way... I've been christened in the cold waters of the Poudre River. At least my friends who kayak can appreciate this funky detail.

I've joined up with Mike Konschnik, filmmaker/photographer/ director of Dirty Dozen Productions. In between sessions of paddling the Poudre, he shared with me updates on some of his film projects. Stay tuned for my interview with Mike and more on the Dirty Dozen crew. First, we'll get in more river miles.

Ahh, the café , where I realize I am just as much a writer as an whitewater fiend. Water and gravity make bliss. Caffeine and sore muscles are relaxing.

Check out

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