Thursday, August 21, 2008

Freedom and the Open Road

I'm leaving today for Colorado. I'll be driving my trusty and rusty '86 Toyota 4Runner for the next four days.

You might feel the longing for the open road. There's a freedom in getting up to go on a long distance adventure. Needs become clear: food, shelter. Those will be the basics for the next few days, in addition to the gasoline to keep the adventure running.

Freedom. I'd like to be able to say that this road trip is a supreme example of the freedom I have, but it's not. I'm returning to grad school, finishing up a dreaded project I began four years ago. I will be living off my credit card along the way because I am financially weak. I will be missing my family and friends back East, and part of me doesn't want to go!

Still, I am free, not because I can go on some road trip, but because of my mindset. I know that I can do this and survive... even enjoy the experience. I have an inner strength that will carry me through the unknown that is waiting for me. Freedom is where one's head is at. Wish me luck.

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