Monday, August 4, 2008


This is a chance for you to take a peak into the process of creating an Artful Life, one that reflects deepest desires and connects with one's true path. Inspiration for the Write-Wild Blog are twofold:

First, YOU will know the route to your freedom as I describe my own journey. As we move through the terrain, your attention is drawn to spectacular views, of both inner-landscapes and wilderness vistas.

Second, the Write-Wild Blog fulfills a need for connection with others scouting the trail towards their bliss.

What is an Artful Life? How do we nurture the quality of Wildness? Are poetic urges challenged by a basic human drive for survival? What do we make of the little deaths, the day-to-day sacrifices to job, family, duty? These topics and many more are ripe morsels to savor in the Write-Wild Blog, where I will post glimpses from the field.

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